Keyword: desahucios

Spagna: La PAH contrassegna le banconote per sensibilizzare contro gli sfratti

Il marchio #NoMásDesahucios timbrato su un biglietto da 10 euro. /TWITTER Com esta iniciativa, a Plataforma de Atingidos pela Hipoteca (PAH) pretende que os afetados “assumam ocontrole a sua luta” enviando os euros selados com o lema “Basta de despejos” aos governantes e assim demonstrar-lhes o descontentamento público perante a situação por que passam milhares de famílias.

Call: Barcelona, the resistance of a family the solidarity of a whole neighborhood

In June 2011, when the Spanish squares and streets burned with the 15M demonstrations, Veronica, Eliseo and their three children were violently evicted from their flat in the neighborhood of Clot in Barcelona. The networks of the neighborhood movilized immediately to support this family. The Catalan police, Mossos d’Esquadra, attacked violently the family and the crowd that gathered in their support. The reason why we were there was to show to Veronica and Eliseo that they were not alone, and that all protests have to be collective struggles. What belongs to all should be defended by all.

Los bancos, obligados por la ley catalana a ceder a la administración sus viviendas vacías

Los impulsores de la ILP, en rueda de prensa. MARC FONT La ley más ambiciosa que ha existido nunca en Catalunya para luchar contra la pobreza energética y la emergencia habitacional vuelve a estar plenamente vigente. La razón es que el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) ha archivado definitivamente el recurso  contra la normativa que presentó el Gobierno español durante la presidencia de Mariano Rajoy.