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Tribunal of evictions: governments and UN-Habitat accused

Naples 4/09/2012

After the Salzano-Roussopulos debate on the right to the city for the common good, the workshop on zero evictions and the International Meeting of the victims of the real estate markets, the first day of the Urban Social Forum finished with the Tribunal of evictions and the land grabbing of land before the Overseas Exhibition.

“Stop worldwide evictions”, with this unequivocal request, the Urban Social Forum Tribunal on evictions has emphatically asked governments and the UN-Habitat to not continue turning their back on this startling issue which is made worse by the current crisis affecting Europe and the rest of the world. On the steps of the Overseas Exhibition, 15 panels have documented an unprecedented global crisis affecting between 60 and 70 million people worldwide.

Under the Tribunal investigation, Azerbaijan, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Germany, Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, Portugal, Egypt, Mozambique, Burkina Faso and Japan, have highlighted the enormous impact caused by large projects and large events, land grabs and unbearable rents and mortgages. These are burning issues that the UN-Habitat trade fair has refused to include in their official agenda. On the other hand Raquel Rolnik, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations, has highlighted that the evictions are serious violations of housing rights, that is a legal obligation of states as signatories of the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Housing rights which highlight the incompatibility of the crisis and the neoliberal solutions for human rights. Amongst the most shocking activities, is the allegation of Italian institutions for 250,000 families facing the threat of eviction, mainly for arrears, and the proposed demolition of the Vele of Scampia (Naples), a 1970s residential complex, considered by residents to be a ghetto beyond hope.

The Tribunal concluded with a call for actions during World Zero Evictions Days – for the Right to Habitat, which will take place throughout October.

Urban Social Forum Organising Committee

Contacts: +39 320.2363156 / 333.3576348



The Volunteer translator for housing rights without frontiers of IAI who has collaborated on the translation of this text was:

Louise Wiseman


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