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Habitantes do Oriente Médio


Take action now. Tell the CEOs of Caterpillar, Priceline, TripAdvisor and Airbnb: Get Out Of The Settlements!

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report announcing a historic database of companies doing business with illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.Among the American companies that received letters informing them that they’d be on the UN list were Caterpillar, Priceline.com, TripAdvisor, and Airbnb.Click here to tell them: get out of the settlement business!

Urgent Action: Forced eviction in Giza, Egypt

Demolition and forced eviction in Giza, Egypt (25 08 2015) On August 25, 2015, a demolition force from Giza governorate combined by police forces and bulldozers demolished the poor shacks located at Al Sudan Street and went into bloody clashes with the poor inhabitants who contested the demolition because most of the 300 families did not get alternative housing from the governorate.An international call for solidarity launched by the Egyptian Center for Housing Rights and supported by the International Alliance of Inhabitants.

Lebanon: Rejecting the New Rent Law: An Open Letter to the Parliament and a march

“Yes for a fair rent law that protects the right to housing for old tenants." Protest in Sassine square, Achrafieh, Beirut, 3 December 2014 (Image courtesy of sakanbeirut.wordpress.com) The Committee for the Rights of Tenants Laws has organized a march in Beirut, towards the Speaker's House in Ain el-Tineh on Wednesday 10 December to pressure on parliamentarians to withdraw the new law that liberalize old rent contracts before it goes into effect on 28 December 2014.The International Alliance of Inhabitants express the full solidarity.To add your name to the list of signatories, and for further information, please contact: beiruthousing@gmail.com

Chamado de Gaza: Dia Global de Fúria, sábado, 9 de agosto

Junte-se à campanha por Boicote, Desinvestimento e Sanções contra Israel já. Enquanto enfrentamos todo o poderio do arsenal militar de Israel, financiado e fornecido pelos Estados Unidos e União Europeia, chamamos a sociedade civil e as pessoas de consciência em todo o mundo para pressionar os governos para que sancionem Israel e implementem um imediato e abrangente embargo de armas .Vamos tomar as ruas e fazer ações nesse dia com uma exigência unificada em todas as vozes do mundo: sanções contra os crimes de Israel .Ás ruas, sábado 09 de agosto. com uma voz unificada por sanções contra Israel.

BDS para parar o crescimento do genocídio em Gaza!

A Aliança Internacional dos Habitantes apela a uma mobilização solidária às organiziações de moradores de todo o mundo para iparar o crescimento do genocídio dos Palestinos em Gaza executado pelo Israel. Um apelo para o BDS para ter paz com o Despejo Zero e reconstuir as casas Palestinas demolidas.

Histórico: Os crimes de guerra em Gaza, o último estágio de um genocídio que não para de crescer

O governo Israelense está cometendo crimes de guerra em Gaza, mirando as casas dos civis e as famílias que se julgam serem de "militantes", usando armas pesadas em áreas populosas, embora sabendo  de antemão o número de vitimas. Tudo isso está no topo de uma crise humanitária crônica criada pelo Israel, que se tornou uma catástrofe.

Le Réseau Marocain pour Le Logement Décent interpelle les Nations Unies à intervenir immédiatement pour arrêter l'attaque sioniste brutale à Gaza et arrêter la destruction de logements et des infrastructures

Le Réseau Marocain pour Le Logement Décent interpelle les Nations Unies à intervenir immédiatement pour arrêter l'attaque sioniste brutale à Gaza et arrêter la destruction de logements et des infrastructures.Il semble que ce qui se passe à Gaza, à la suite de bombardements aveugles qui tuent des personnes innocentes et démolissent des habitats et des infrastructures , n'a pas d'incidence sur le monde et les institutions internationales qui n’ont pas pu arrêter l'attaque barbare des sionistes subi par l'humanité dans son ensemble, et non seulement par les martyrs de Palestine dont les nourrissons , les enfants , les femmes, personnes âgées et les jeunes.

Feliz aniversário AIH, em solidariedade!

...uma rede global de organizações e de movimentos sociais de habitantes, comunidades, inquilinos, proprietários de moradias precárias, sem teto, ocupantes de barracas, cooperativas,povos indígenas e bairros populares. É um movimento intercultural, includente, autônomo, independente, auto-gerido, solidário e aberto à coordenação com outras organizações irmãs que perseguem os mesmos fins. O objetivo é a construção de outro mundo possível começando pela conquista do direito à moradia e à cidade sem fronteiras...

ECHR launches campaign to enshrine the right to adequate housing in the Egyptian Constitution

Adequate housing is not just a collective right, it is also the right of every individual, every man, woman and child everywhere The campaign based on that the right to adequate housing is a human right, which has been recognized on a wide scale by international human rights instruments that have been signed and ratified by Egypt, and thus the state becomes bound by these instruments to recognize the right to adequate housing in its Legislation and to respect, protect and fulfill it. 

Egypt, No consolation or apology

Tahrir Square and other Squares in Egypt witnessed bloody incidents that exposed the youth of Egypt to oppression, murder and intentional injury The undersigned hold the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to its full political and criminal responsibility for the dead and wounded as well as to its circumvention of the fair demands of the masses.