Home » A Via Urbana » Assembleia Mundial dos Habitantes 2013 » Subscribe the Declaration of the World Assembly of Inhabitants!

Subscribe the Declaration of the World Assembly of Inhabitants!

Do not touch my land, my water, my house, my activists!
For rural and urban harmony, respect diversity and cultures

The capitalist logic in which cities grow in a predatory way onto the countryside, promotes speculation, mega-projects and land, water and natural resource grabbing, destroying ecosystems which link the two environments. The prevailing discourse views urbanisation as inevitable and the agribusiness industry as the only one which is able to eradicate hunger and poverty.

Subscribe the Declaration!

This logic makes invisible the fact that the cities are built by the inhabitants and that the peasants men and women are those who fed, feed and will feed the planet. Indeed the major producers will only feed 20% of the world in pursuing aggressive policies that destroy nature and humans.

Faced with this situation, the World Assembly of Inhabitants requires the change of the paradigm model of the neoliberal capitalist system, for the planet and for human beings. In this framework, we demand as an alternative to private ownership, collective ownership and other forms of custom and traditional communal management and the recognition of the social function of more just, humane and sustainable habitat.

We demand the securing of user rights on land and food sovereignty. We claim the values and proposals contained in the right to the city, which are based on forms of participative, direct and community democracy within the framework of living well.

People have already created many alternatives and made proposals, it is necessary to put pressure on and strengthen the links and the solidarity between rural and urban movements to build alliances with national and international resistance.

We stand in solidarity with the struggles of inhabitants and peasants organizations, and demand a halt to the criminalisation of social movements and activists engaged in the struggles for compliance and enforcement of human rights: to land, water, food, housing, the city...

We want laws that refer explicitly to international covenants on human rights, such as the ICESCR, the Right to Food, the ILO Convention 169, to avoid any type of eviction, and that are promoted at national and local levels as in the case of the laws adopted respectively in Venezuela and in Argentina[1]

We support all legal initiatives which affirm this principle, in particular those of popular initiatives, such as the law regulating the giving in payment, blocking evictions and social rent in Spain.

We demand the immediate liberation of all those who are detained for having occupied land and houses and for having resisted evictions.

We support the struggle of all those who are displaced, in particular the Haitian struggle against illegal evictions and forced displacement camps.

We undertake to strengthen the convergence of struggles of inhabitants organizations through the exchange of experiences, sharing of strategies, tools and a common agenda:

  • The World Assembly of Inhabitants 2013 invites submissions to the International Tribunal on Evictions (next session in Geneva: October 2013) the violations of the right to housing on which the Tribunal will issue recommendations.
  • This will be one of the activities planned during the World Days for Zero Evictions – Right to Habitat of October, which aims to draw attention to the struggles for right to housing and to dignified habitat.
  • The Assembly proposes that the Campaign on the social function of land, the city and housing can be extended on global level and pushes governments to assume their responsibilities for the management of common property.
  • We support the efforts of the Arab people to engage new perspectives on the management of urban and rural land and natural resources, based on human rights, the environment and the responsibilities of all the subjects involved
  • We support the efforts of the inhabitants’ organisations and international networks which met in Tunis on March 27th to give life to a continental network, the Pan-African Network of Inhabitants Organisations. This network aims to strengthen local struggles through mutual solidarity between networks and organisations. For this reason we invite all the international networks concerned to unite and to support this effort, and to contribute to the work of the Working Group, which promotes its development.

Agenda of the inhabitants’ mobilization:

  • Throughout the month of October: World Zero Evictions Days - for the Right to Habitat

YES to the reproduction of life, NO to the reproduction of profit!

YES to the right to land, to housing and to the city!

Info: www.habitants.org  - https://www.facebook.com/events/498799256828990/

Signatures: amh-wai2013@habitants.org  

[1]   Venezuela (Ley de arrendamiento immobiliario 11/11/2012 – a popular initiative law for the regulation and control of property leases approved by the parliament last year) and Mendoza, Argentina (ley no 7684 - modifying the civil code 11th September 2009).

On March 29, 2013 in Tunis, the following networks and organizations sign this commitment:

International Alliance of Inhabitants

Association des Cités du Secours Catholique (ACSC), France

Amandla Centre of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

Arquitectos Sin Fronteras , España

Asociación Civil "Nuestro Hogar", Argentina

Association Réseau Doustourna, Tunisie

Association Science Technologie et Développement, Tunisie

Association Tunisienne des Sciences, Technologies et Développement, Tunisie

Association"Vigilance", Tunisie

Attac, Gabon

Bunge La Mwananchi, Kenya


Centro Operacional de Vivienda y Poblamiento (COPEVI), México


Confederação Nacional das Associações de Moradores (CONAM), Brasil

Cooperativa Chilavert, Argentina

Coophabitat, República Dominicana

Coordinadora de Colonias Unidas, México

CTA, Juventud, Argentina

Dignity International, Netherlands

Doustourna Cellule Tozeur , Tunisie

Doustourna Cellule Tunis Medina , Tunisie

Enhacore, Argentina

Federación de Villas, Núcleos y Barrios Marginados (FEDEVI), Argentina

Fòs Refleksyon ak Aksyon sou Koze Kay ( FRAKKA ), Haiti

Frente Continental Organizaciones Comunales (FCOC)

Front Commun des SDF , Belgique

Habitáfrica, España

Habitat et Participation ASBL , Belgique

Habitat Project, Italia

Instituto Pólis, Brasil

Ligue Algérienne des Droits de l'Homme, Algérie

Movimiento en Defensa de la Vivienda Familiar (MO.DE.VI.FA.), Argentina

Muthurwa Residents Welfare Association , Kenya

National Forum for the Urban Poor (NFUP), India

NoVox, Japan

Nojien, Japan

Sanya Day Laborers' Union, Japan

Kamagasaki Patrol, Japan

ONG Harmonie Planétaire

Organisation des Jeunes Verts (O.J.V), Maroc

Other Worlds, Haiti

Pax Romana-ICMICA, Asia

Plateforme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (PAPDA), Haití

People's Responsible Organisation of United Dharavi (PROUD), India

Réseau Africain pour le Droit à l'Alimentation (RAPDA/ANORF) , Bénin

Red Metropolitana de Inquilinos Caracas , Venezuela

Rede Justiça nos Trilhos, Brasil

Réseau Marocain Pour Le logement Décent , Maroc

Réseau National des Habitants du Cameroun (RNHC), Cameroun

Sembrar Conciencia, Argentina

Shelter for the Poor , Bangladesh

SOS expulsion, Algérie

Sur la voie de 96 (Imider), Maroc

UCISV-Pobladores, México

Under Tents Campaign , USA-Haiti

Unión Popular Valle Gómez, A. C., México

Unione Inquilini, Italia

USA Canada Alliance of Inhabitants (USACAI), USA-Canada

Ben Nasr Sarra, Tunisie

Ghassen Chebbi, Tunisie

Khansa Ben Tarjem, Tunisie

Inchirah hababou, Tunisie

Mohamed Habib Sellami, Tunisie

Mike Davies, Interim Convenor - Southern Africa

Rocio Lombera, COPEVI, México

Shelly Brownin, USA

Sofien Asta, Doustourna tunis Medina, Tunisie

Soha Ben Slama, Doustourna Tunis Banlieu Nord, Coordinatrice FSM, Collaboratrice AIH Tunisie

Yves Cabannes,DPU, University College London, United Kingdom

Signatories appeal (518)

  • Federico Fassina, - Italy
  • Lucy Valenzuela, FESPAD - El Salvador
  • José Vázquez Gómez, - Spain
  • Gustavo González, Centro Coop Sueco Programa de Vivienda y Hábitat - Uruguay
  • Osvaldo Buscaya, - Argentina
  • Joao Batista Silva, Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros AGB GT Ambiente - Brazil
  • ignacio cruz, Sindicato Mexicano de Electricisras - Mexico
  • Bukulu Haruna, Mission For Youth Rights - Uganda
  • valerio bindi, SCIATTO produzie - Italy
  • diana pauro, - Argentina
  • Ignacio García, - Mexico
  • alessandro barbato, - Italy
  • Beltrán Uriarte Calonge, - Spain
  • Arq. Milton Gustavo Andrade Sánchez, Mas construcciones - Ecuador
  • Silvio José Herrera Mendieta, IInstituto Nicaragûense de Estudios Territoriales, INETER - Nicaragua
  • Chico Bento, Brigadas Populares - Minas Gerais - Brasil - Brazil
  • María luisa Weidmann, - Argentina
  • Kennedy Kinuthia, Indepedent Medico Legal Unit - Kenya
  • M. Ameen Keryo, Sindhica Reforms Society- Pakistan - Pakistan
  • Mireya Bolett, - Venezuela
  • tangela eraclea, - Italy
  • German Herrera, Fundación de Saneamiento Ambiental de la Zurza. Fundszurza - Dominican Republic
  • Enrique Goldin, Sociologia./ Periodismo. - Argentina
  • Marcia Macul, Associacao Verdever / Curadores da Terra - Brazil
  • daniel capuccio, individual - Argentina
  • Antonio Silvestre Leite, Autônomo - Brazil
  • Francisco Mederos Medina, - Spain
  • Hariharan A.J, Indian Community Welfare Organisation - India
  • Domingo Acevedo. Acv2, Brigada Cimarrona Sebastian Lemba. - Dominican Republic
  • KABONGO Jean, Solidarité Agissante pour le Développement Familial (SADF) ONG en Statut Consultatif Special de l'ECOSOC - Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • teresa lapis, GD - Italy
  • teresa lapis, giuristi democratici - Italy
  • LONGBANGO NGBANDOMA Alphonse, Comité des Droits de l'Homme et Développement, CODHOD - Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
  • Javier Sanchez, 15M Azuqueca - Spain
  • Stefano Portelli, Repensar Bonpastor - Spain
  • mauro scalise, - Italy
  • Achour Oussama, UCLG - Spain
  • Lamarque Cecile, CADTM - Belgium
  • Passadakis Alexis, - Germany
  • Cristina Márquez Calzada, - Spain
  • Silvia Soccio, - Italy
  • Mar Toharia, Oriri - Spain
  • barbara spinelli, movimento 5 stelle - Italy
  • Oscar Revilla, - Spain
  • Raúl García-Durán de Lara, Ateneu de Palafrugell - Spain
  • susana mallen lorente, - Spain