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Jornada de lutas CONAM 2009

UEFA 2009

A última edição do Mundial dos Sem-Abrigo decorreu em Melbourne(©UEFA)

A.S.C. Multietnica.campioni 2005

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 21

A semi-finished new development stands in the background of a Ottoman charitable fountain in the Nesleshan neighbourhood adjoining Sulukule.

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 20

A man climbs down from the roof of his semi-demolished house as a wrecking vehicle batters a building across the road.

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 19

A scrap-metal collector rummages among the rubble and twisted wires left behind by the demolition teams.

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 18

A woman walks to her local grocer, one of the few businesses that will make the transition into the new neighbourhood.

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 17

A homeless man fashions a makeshift shelter for himself in the ruins of the Byzantine walls surrounding Istanbul next to the new headquarters of Istanbul’s national gas company.

Sulukule, Forced from their homes, Turkey 16

A young Roma boy twirls on his head during a break-dancing demonstration in the summer of 2007.