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UK, Councillors vote to evict travellers from Dale Farm
We won't go, No pasaran, Zero Eviction at Dale Farm, UK (April 2011)
Travellers and Romany people from across Europe have protested against the planned evictions. Travellers and Romany people will be forcibly removed from an illegal site in Essex if they do not leave voluntarily, councillors have decided. Basildon council's development control and traffic management committee voted to take direct action at Dale Farm, between Billericay and Basildon. The committee also voted to take out an injunction and take similar action at The Paddocks near Wickford.
Zimbabwe, Chiadzwa families forced to move by brutal soldiers
The remaining families in the diamond rich Chiadzwa area have been forced to leave their homes, after soldiers launched a brutal eviction process over the weekend.
Wikileaks: Military Operation to displace thousands in Zimbabwe to establish control over the diamond fields
The reddish-coloured diamonds of Marange in Zimbabwe
1. (SBU) In mid-January, a local chief in the diamond rich and violence-ridden XXXXXXXXXXXX informed us of the Zimbabwean military's intention to displace as many as 25,000 villagers from their homes XXXXXXXXXXXX. The military operation is intended to establish control over the diamond fields as well as to provide village-based housing to troops. The plan was temporarily delayed due to the discovery of gold ore in the region where the villagers were to be relocated.
Philippines, Demolitions and forced evictions in Laperal, Makati, appear to constitute breaches of international law
Informal settlers clash with police and demolition team who were taking part in relocation efforts for residents of Laperal compound in Makati City Metro (April 27 2011)
The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE) strongly condemns the violence that marred recent attempts to demolish the homes of about 1,000 families situated within the Laperal Compound of Makati City, Manila, on 28th April, 2011. The demolitions were ordered by the Mayor of Makati after the Makati City Government classified the informal settlement a danger zone following a fire that occurred in the area 8 days previously. Residents who attempted to resist the demolitions were met with force. The practice of forced eviction constitutes a gross violation of human rights, in particular the right to adequate housing. COHRE is deeply concerned about reports that State officials and the police may be responsible for such serious human rights abuses.
Buenos Aires.Informe: Una sociedad excluyente y una ciudad desbordada.La Agenda Metropolitana y un debate impostergable
En la Buenos Aires Metropolitana (BAM), a partir del ultimo tercio del siglo XX, se está produciendo una de las peores situaciones socioterritoriales de su historia: 1) una mayor polarización en términos sociales
(si bien en la última década crece el sistema productivo, no ha mejorado en igual medida en términos de distribución) y 2) una oferta de bienes y servicios urbanos fuertemente segmentada
. Esto ha generado que a partir de la caída del modelo sustitutivo de exportaciones, a fines de los ´60, vienen creciendo ostensiblemente los niveles de la desigualdad en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, cabecera metropolitana (Abba, A. P., Furlong, L., Laborda, M. y Susini, S., 2011).
Barcelone,« Repensar Bon Pastor » de l’héritage de Cerdà à la ville du XXIème siècle
Quartier historique populaire hérité de l’exposition universelle de Barcelone de 1929, dans le droit fil de la pensée de Cerdà, Bon Pastor ne doit pas être sacrifié sur l’autel de la rénovation à tous crins, prônée par la municipalité de Barcelone. C’est le point de vue défendu par les auteurs de l’article, à l’origine d’un concours d’architecture, soutenu par l'AIH dans le cadre d'une Campagne Zéro Expulsions pour « repenser » le quartier en tant que modèle d’avenir.
Direito à moradia na Argentina: violações apesar do compromisso do Estado
A Relatora Especial para o Direito à Moradia visitou oficialmente a Argentina entre os dias 13 e 21 de abril de 2011, y agradece ao governo, à equipe do País das Nações Unidas, à sociedade civil argentina e à Aliança Internacional de Habitantes por sua mobilização e participação na visita.
Várias evidências sugerem que, em muitos casos, as remoções estariam violando os padrões internacionais que tratam do tema, contrariamente ao que é estabelecido pelo Comentário Geral Nº 7 do Comitê de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais.
Brasil fora da linha na Copa e nas Olimpíadas
Com a preparação do Brasil para sediar a Copa de 2014 e os Jogos Olímpicos de 2016, a Relatoria Especial do Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU sobre o Direito à Moradia Adequada vem recebendo muitas denúncias sobre remoções e despejos que têm acarretado violações de direitos humanos.
Rwandan ‘anti-thatch’ campaign leaves thousands of ‘Pygmies’ homeless
A family stand amidst the ruins of their home © COPORWA/Survival
A Rwandan government programme to destroy all thatched roofs in the country is leaving thousands of Batwa ‘Pygmies’ homeless.
Dale Farm Travellers eviction: the battle of Basildon
Dale Farm Travellers site in Essex. (Suzanne Plunkett/REUTERS )
Local councils say they can no longer afford to provide sites for Travellers – and now the evictions are about to begin.