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The IAI’s statement on the coup d’état, and solidarity with Honduras


I front of the Honduran Embassy in the Dominican Republic, June 29, 2009

The International Alliance of Inhabitants has joined forces with ALBA social movements, and the international networks for Another Possible World, to unite their voices and their militant efforts in solidarity with Honduras against the coup d’etat, and to call for the immediate and unconditional return to power of President Manuel Zelaya.

The call for solidarity and permanent mobilization for the immediate return of the legitimate President, Manuel Zelaya

The plot by politicians, the military, judges and the media aims to reverse the step taken by the Honduran government to join ALBA and prevent the official announcement that would have been made following a Consultative Referendum. Those involved in the coup, feared that the people would vote in favour of strengthening democracy, and with the complicity of the National Congress, they carried out the putsch.

We denounce the illegitimate government, which is the product of the coup d’état. In this fundamental battle to prevent this de facto, illegitimate government from consolidating its power, and so that those responsible for this reactionary and illegal act against the constitutionally elected, and unanimously recognized president, Manuel Zelaya Rosales, who has been kidnapped and taken from the country at gunpoint by the military leaders involved in the coup, be punished, we are calling on the social movements to intensify this fight in each of our respective countries.

We are calling for a mobilization in solidarity with the Honduran people who, headed by social movements and the loyalist soldiers in various departments, are in the street, defying the repression despite the closure of theindependent media. At the same time, SICA, ALBA, the OAS, CARICOM, the Rio Group, and various world leaders including the United States, are demanding the immediate and unconditional return of the constitutionally elected President, Manuel Zelaya, who has announced that he will leave Washington this Thursday and return to his country with the OAS Secretary-General.

The International Alliance of Inhabitants joins COPINH, the Bloque Popular, the working-class Cooperatives, Via Campesina,CLOC, Grito de los Excluidos (Cries of the Excluded), ALBA Social Movements, and international networks in permanent mobilization in various countries in support of the Honduran people who are demanding the unconditional return of President Manuel Zelaya.

Stop to the repression against the Honduran people and its organizations.

May the free will of the Honduran people, which was expressed through popular consultation, be respected.

June 29, 2009

Within the framework of the social resistance to the coup, an international communication centre has been set up. Please send information on the solidarity initiatives taking place in the countries to these addresses :


For more information: Honduras, Resistencia popular al golpe: http://movimientos.org/honduras.php

More information can be found on the website of the Swedish Cooperatif Centre: www.sccportal.org/americalatina

More information regarding the reasons of the coup d’etat can be found in the following file: interview with Wendy Cruz, da “Vía Campesina” from Honduras:

