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Habitantes da Europa


IUT: Eviction is not the solution. People need a roof over their head!

The IUT expresses its solidarity with families who are evicted from their home because of rent arrears or unpaid mortgages- it is not their choice. For those people, hit by the financial crisis and rising housing costs, we have to find solutions to guarantee a roof over their head. Prevention is the key. Access to safe and secure housing  is a fundamental right , recognised by the Universal Declaration on Human rights, the European Social Charter and the European Charter of Fundamental rights, and many national constitutions.

Housing action groups against TTIP, TTIP: a threat to social housing, land rights and democratic cities

The undersigning organisations, united in the struggle for the right to housing and to the city, strongly support the protests against the planned free trade agreement TTIP (“Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” between EU and USA) and the already negotiated CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). All over Europe protests will take place at 18th April.

14° Congresso Nazionale Unione Inquilini (Livorno, 17-18-19 aprile 2015)

La tre giorni congressuale del più importante sindacato inquilini di base, nato nel 1968, tra i fondatori della CUB e dell'International Alliance of Inhabitants, pone al centro del dibattito l’innovazione necessaria di nuove vertenze per aggredire le cause strutturali della sofferenza abitativa. Il fallimento del liberismo nelle varianti centrodestra/centrosinistra richiede infatti un vero piano casa, finanziato a livello locale, nazionale e anche dell'Unione Europea, nonché un nuovo “canone equo”, per contenere i prezzi degli affitti e combattere gli sfratti. Per raggiungere questi risultati è indispensabile la mobilitazione, in particolare la resistenza contro gli sfratti, e l'azione politica unitaria di una “coalizione per il diritto alla casa” collegata a una coalizione sociale alternativa.

The first year of Anti-Mipimism

From 10 to 13 March 2015 the annual MIPIM is taking place in Cannes. Twelve months ago housing rights groups for the first time raised their voice to protest against this international real estate fair. “25 years of Mipimism is enough” they stated.

Trial and punishment: the role of the international banks in the mortgage fraud in Spain

Since the bursting of the housing market bubble in 2008 and its devastating and perverse impact on poor families in many countries, including Spain, a constant struggle has been developed by its victims against the mortgage fraud implemented by the financial entities in the financial system with the approval and support of various state agencies.

Espanha, A PAH marca notas para mentalizar contra os despejos

Il marchio #NoMásDesahucios timbrato su un biglietto da 10 euro. /TWITTER Com esta iniciativa, a Plataforma de Atingidos pela Hipoteca (PAH) pretende que os afetados “assumam ocontrole a sua luta” enviando os euros selados com o lema “Basta de despejos” aos governantes e assim demonstrar-lhes o descontentamento público perante a situação por que passam milhares de famílias.

Thousands gather in London to protest against lack of affordable housing

An estimated 2,000 people marched on City Hall The March for Homes brings together campaigners, tenants and trade unionists to demand building of council homes and curbing of private rents.Thousands of people gathered outside City Hall on Saturday to demand Boris Johnson urgently tackle the lack of affordable housing in the capital and curb the spiralling rents that they warn are “ripping the heart” out of London.

Moscow, joint protest action of social workers, housing rights and left wing activists

On Friday, 26. 12. 2014, Moscow saw another protest action staged by local ‘’social workers’’ – doctors and teachers employed by state agencies and establishments – and a number of social and left wing activists.The protest participants demanded meeting with Mr. Sobianin, Moscow City Mayor. The people protested further redundancies and demanded housing due to them according to the promises given by the city authorities.

Duped investors & Ilyushina street 15/2 Tenants hold a meeting in Saint Petersburg

More than 100 people held a meeting on Troitskaya square in Saint Petersburg, Russia on December 18 2014. Minor investors from different residential estates and residential construction projects demanded that the local authorities heed their problems. This action has been held for the first time jointly by small investors, who lost their money and housing, and tenants of Ilyushina street 15/2 who have also lost their housing.

La Plataforma por una Vivienda Digna denuncia la grave crisis habitacional y renueva sus 40 propuestas

Tras el día de la Constitución de España:  La Plataforma por una Vivienda Digna denuncia la grave crisis habitacional y renueva sus 40 propuestas recalcando la urgencia de un cambio de modelo.