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USA, Rob Robinson receives the McKinney-Vento Award for housing right

Our friend Rob Robinson, member of USACAI “Steering Committee,” was choosen on Wednesday September 21, 2011, as recipient of a very important national award at the 13th annual McKinney-Vento Awards program created by the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty to recognize individuals or organizations that have advanced solutions to homelessness and poverty.

Congratulations Rob, and ciao in solidarity!

What said Rob at award ceremony

I was honored by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty as part of their 13th annual McKinney -Vento awards program. The Law Center cited my work as New York City chair for the first official visit of a UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing, along with my work in Geneva Switzerland as part of the advance US team working on the Universal Periodic Review. I was also given the opportunity by the Law Center to facilitate a State Department led meeting in advance of the Universal Periodic Review. The international work along with local work in NYC, national work with the Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights and the Take Back the Land Movement has afforded me the opportunity to be mentored by some incredible people. People Like Cathy Albisa and Tiffany Gardner of the National Economic and Social Rights Initiative. Academia like Peter Marcuse, David Harvey, Neil Smith and Frances Fox Piven and Gilda Hass, have all played a major role in who I am as an organizer. However, my deepest gratitude goes to Max Rameau co-founder with yours truly of the Take Back the Land Movement who was in the house and was able to share the evening with me. As you do the work you don't do it for recognition or awards, you do it because it needs to be done. And as you
go about the everyday task of working for social change, you never know who is watching.
Thank you to all the staff, board and volunteers of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty for choosing me as recipient of the Personal Achievement Award at the 13th annual McKinney-Vento Awards program.  
In solidarity,


Personal Achievement Award

Rob Robinson spent nearly three years homeless in Miami and New York City. Since overcoming homelessness, he has become a powerful advocate in the right to housing movement. Now a special advisor to the Campaign to Restore National Housing Rights and a founding member of the Take Back the Land movement, Robinson joined with the Law Center during the United States' Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in 2010. Robinson worked with the Law Center to moderate a UPR briefing in New York City, and carried our coalition's message to Geneva, Switzerland, meeting with Human Rights Council members. Robinson worked with the Law Center to organize a series of Congressional field hearings on the right to housing and offered testimony at the Law Center's National Forum on the Human Right to Housing in June. In October 2009, Robinson also served as the New York City chairperson for the first official visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing.

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