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World Social Forum of Migrations

Today as we commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, the twenty years since the deaths along the Gilbralter began, 35 years of the military strike against the democratic president, Salvador Allende, while this same legitimacy is gravely threatened in Bolivia and requests our consciousness and solidarity, and as we celebrate the 60th year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we, men and women, who form a part of more than two thousand social movements and organizations from 90 countries around the planet, united in Rivas Vaciamadrid (Spain), from September 11th to the 14th, are joined by the slogan OUR VOICES, OUR RIGHTS, FOR A WORLD WITHOUT WALLS

Coalizão de ONGs Festeja Decisão Histórica

Press Release, 18 Junho 2008 O Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas aprovou hoje por consenso um Protocolo Opcional à Declaração Internacional de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais (ICESCR). A decisão de hoje do Conselho de Direitos Humanos dá um passo à frente na possibilidade de um mecanismo de defesa nas violações da Declaração Internacional de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais (ICESCR).

Ruling of the Permanent People’s Tribunal

Session on Neoliberal Policies and European Transnational Corporations in Latin America and the Caribbean Lima, 13-16th May 2008 The Tribunal recognises the importance, difficulties and the inherent risks associated with the struggle of social movements, peasants, workers and indigenous people as well as other grassroots organisations. It also committed to continue using its competence and work to strengthen the definition of legal responsibility of MNCs and to denounce human rights violations of the local people by multinational corporations, States and international institutions and to find new alternatives.

Foi aprovado o Protocolo opcional do DESC

Em 4 de abril de 2008, o Grupo de Trabalho das Nações Unidas aprovou finalmente o Protocolo opcional ao Pacto Internacional de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais (PIDESC), que será enviado ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos para que seja encaminhado ao Secretário Geral e à Assembléia da ONU.

And that makes two! Italy wins the World Homeless Cup 2005

And that makes two! After the surprise victory at Gothenburg (Sweden) in 2004, the Italian team Multietnica 2001 has won for the second time the World Homeless Cup held in Edinburgh, Scotland, from July 20th to 24th 2005. With a formation made up of new Italians (Brazilians, Moroccans, Rom, and Polish), the team held out against all difficulties, including the loss of three players due to visa problems, at the end of a hard-fought tournament in which 26 national teams took part.

The darker side of the XXVIII Olympiad

What do local inhabitants have to do with the Olympic Games? Let’s find out what lurks in the shadow of the five circles. As the world’s attention turns to Greece for the 2004 Summer Olympic Games, to witness the excitement and glory of the world’s biggest sporting competition, there is a lesser-known and darker side to the staging of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad.

Goteborg:Italy World Champion at the World Homeless Cup

World Homeless Cup 2004. Italy have won the Homeless World Cup and the winning team, mainly immigrants from "Multietnica2001", dedicate their victory to those living on the margins of society.

Adesão AIH à Semana de Ação Global contra a Dívida e as instituições financeiras internacionais (IFIs)

(14 a 21 de outubro de 2007) A Aliança Internacional de Habitantes, AIH, rede mundial de movimentos sociais urbanos em luta pelo direito à moradia, à terra, à cidade e aos serviços básicos, sem fronteiras, ratificamos nosso compromisso para que, também graças ao cancelamento da dívida, os governos dos países pobres recuperem os recursos para pagar a dívida social.