A Veneza que R-Esiste
Appeal towards the European Days of movements for the defence of territories, environmental justice and democracy (Venice, 23-24 september 2017)
For more than a thousand years Venice has been the city symbol of the balance between Man and Nature; its magic comes from and lives in the extraordinary co-penetration of art and nature, stone and water, city and Lagoon.
This fragile equilibrium is seriously threatened by the industry of mass tourism, of which the mega cruise ships are one of the worst aspects: over-sized polluting ships, dangerous for the safety of the city which is Unesco heritage. They are floating symbols of the arrogance of multi-national companies and of the corruption of a political class enslaved in the defense of private profit to the detriment of the common good.
Venezia, «Mi no vado via». A migliaia contro l’invasione di turisti
La manifestazione dei comitati cittadini, domenica mattina, ha invaso il centro cittadino. Critiche alle varie amministrazioni pubbliche