Notícias UPU
Convite ao FORO ALAS
Nesta oportunidade e pela primeira vez irá se realizar o 1º FORUM: "Organizações da Sociedade Civil e produção de conhecimento: perguntas e desafios para a América Latina
", com o objetivo de promover um espaço de discussão e reflexão em torno da produção de conhecimento das Organizações da Sociedade Civil e prover uma discussão crítica em torno dos resultados, para quê e como se produz conhecimento.
FSM 2009: memória de alguns eventos sobre Educação
Por Alessio Surian
No Centro de Convenções “Hangar”, em Belém, se realizou uma nova edição do FME nos dias 26 e 27 de Janeiro, com cerca de 10 mil pessoas inscritas. Foram realizadas seis sessões, cujas temáticas procuraram abranger o conteúdo dos fóruns regionais, nacionais, temáticos e mundiais que foram realizados desde a sua primeira edição, em 2001, em Porto Alegre, até hoje. Eu fiquei encarregado de coordenar a sessão sobre educação e economia solidária (ver o anexo).
The Urban Popular University: Regional Meetings
Report presented by Reynals, Cristina (
of Buenos Aires-IAI-UPU
) and Surian, Alessio (
) at the P. Freire Forum, Sao Paulo, 2008
This work presents advances of the International Meetings of the Urban Popular University, an initiative of the International Alliance of Inhabitants, presenting first the objectives of the center, and secondly the experience of the meetings in the community center that occurred in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in May of 2006 and in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) on April 2007. As a central point, the specific objectives of the meetings entitled “Building the Urban Popular University in Latin America” were pointed out causing the participants to be motivated to produce new knowledge.Finally, the preparations will in turn, put in the form of a debate the advances of the proposal of the methods used in the discussions, whose specificity is part of the persistent intent to share and come up with the interpretation with those who take part in the socio-educational process.
Los Encuentros Regionales UPU
a) Propiciar el desarrollo de las capacidades de los líderes populares como agentes de su propio destino y del desarrollo de sus localidades.
b) Propiciar la capacidad de gobierno y de propuesta de los líderes
c) Animar la reflexión en torno a temas claves directamente vinculados a las necesidades y objetivos de la AIH y del movimiento popularReynals Cristina
(UBA-AIH-UPU) y Surian Alessio
Histórias de mundos possíveis
A Universidade Popular dos Movimentos Sociais e a Upter, Universidade Popular de Roma, convidam todas as pessoas que trabalham para a mudança social
a narrar as suas experiências
O concurso propõe-se a formar uma coleção de relatos de experiências de construção,educação,mudança social e práxis alternativas
em diferentes âmbitos onde se joga a luta para a afirmação dos direitos humanos e da democracia
: o trabalho, a economia solidária, a casa, as minorias, a intercultura, o diálogo religioso, o diálogo político, o meio ambiente, a saúde, a educação, a justiça, a paz, os serviços públicos, a participação…
E' necessário mandar as obras até o dia 8 de Março de 2009
Você leu a descrição do prêmio...
Towards a UPU
In the last decade the networking activities promoted by social movements as well as a collaborative process such as the World, Regional and Thematic Social Forum series of events (since January 2001) have drawn the attention to the need to overcome the rigid division between theory and practice (Santos, 2003) and to enable social activists to include the research, training, and action dimension of their work into a consistent strategy of refl-action.
Second Regional Meeting UPU
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 18-25 April 2007
Following the UBA-IAI-UPU agreement of May 2006, the Second Regional Meeting on “Building the Popular Urban University” and the IAI Dominican Republic Workshops were held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, from 18th to 26th April 2007.
First Regional Meeting
Buenos Aires, May 2-12 2006
One of the first regional workshops (Buenos Aires, May 2-12 2006) is geared toward leaders of low income neighborhoods and micro-business associations and heads of local economic activity in Argentina and Peru. It is being organized in partnership with the Neighbors Federation (Fedevi), social researchers from the University of Buenos Aires, THE “Instituto Superior Octubre –ISO-“, the NGO “Fundación Octubre”, purpose is to develop trainers and debate political strategy, discussing and coordinating themes key to local activities, supported by the Basque Government. The course will be evaluated by the participants and two UPU trainers in the aim of revising the model in order to launch similar courses in other regions across the world.
WSF 2006 Caracas UPU
The workshop organized at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela, Caracas, on the third day of the VI World Social Forum for the International Alliance of Inhabitants, has allowed the work developed over the last two years on the Urban Popular University to be opened up to a large, varied audience. The UPU is an initiative created by the International Alliance of Inhabitants, an international network of organizations and residents that fight for the right to housing, established in the framework of the 2004 Mumbay Social Forum.
Report First Regional Conference
The first regional conference of the UPU, “Building the Popular Urban University”, was brought off successfully. It was directed by leaders of working class communities, small business associations and local business leaders from Argentina, Peru and Brasil.
Based on the evaluation carried out by the participants and by the UPU trainers, the conference’s model will be revised with the aim of launching similar conferences in other areas, at an international level.
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