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R-Existences, the turning point of Quito. The New Inhabitants' Agenda VS the New Urban Agenda

Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda will not deliver unless it creates decent work and fully includes trade unions and workers

Over 70 people attended Habitat III’s Trade Union and Workers Roundtable  held on 18 October 2016 by a joint international trade union and allies delegation headed by Public Services International (PSI) and Building and Woodworkers International (BWI).

Resistance to Habitat III, summary and lessons learned

Marcha de inauguración Foro Social de Resistencia Popular a Habitat III, QUITO, ECUADOR (17 octubre 2016) With the support of Global IAITo those who resisted and resist day after day defending their territories. INTRODUCTIONAny global event bringing together many of the people involved in public decisions about habitat and territory will result in resistance and mobilization at the very least. One example we can cite are the events at the Habitat II conference in Istanbul, where protests were harshly repressed by the Turkish police [1] .

A 5a Sessão do Tribunal Internacional dos Despejos: urgência d’uma moratória global

A quinta Sessão do Tribunal Internacional dos Despejos, em Quito, Equador, revelou o  drama das pessoas expulsas, tema tabu na Conferência das Nações Unidas Habitat III, apesar dos números, que ultrapassam os 60 milhões de pessoas em escala global. A sessão de abertura em Monte Sinai, Guayaquil, diante de 600 pessoas, apesar da ameaça da polícia, e a sessão de Quito, em uma sala da Universidade completamente lotada, deram voz a  testemunhos pungentes que acusam as políticas neoliberais. O veredicto dessa Sessão é  inapelável: as autoridades públicas são responsáveis e devem estabelecer com urgência a moratória global dos despejos, e as mobilizações solidárias têm um papel importante a desempenhar.

The Charter of Inhabitants’ Responsibilities: contributions of the Urban and Community Way

Taller Carta de Responsabilidad de los habitantes, QUITO, ECUADOR (18 octubre 2016) The Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies (founded in 2003) is an evolution on the “Charter of Human Responsibility” programme put forward by the “Alliance for a Responsible, Plural and United World” (1993-2002). The Charter programme (December, 2001) also gave rise to the “Forum of Ethics & Responsibilities” (FER), launched in 2009.

Follow-up on the Recommendations of the International Tribunal on Evictions. Case: South America, Ecuador, Guayaquil - Monte Sinaí and neighbouring areas

Misión TIE Guayaquil, ECUADOR (15 octubre 2016) Fifth Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions (Ecuador, October 15-17 of October of 2016) Follow-up on the Recommendations   Case: South America, Ecuador, Guayaquil - Monte Sinaí and neighbouring areas

La Nueva Agenda Urbana en Argentina

DELEGACIÓN AIH, QUITO, ECUADOR (19 OCTUBRE 2016) Este documento pertenece al espacio de trabajo HABITAR ARGENTINA: Iniciativa Multisectorial por el derecho a la tierra, la vivienda y el Habitat , un ámbito plural donde hemos confluido distintos sectores, legisladores, académicos, organizaciones sociales, conscientes de la necesidad de abordar de manera integral el problema del Hábitat.