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Subscribe the appeal: Zero Evictions for Pom Mahakan!


Governor M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra, Governor of Bangkok
Police General Aswin Khawnmuang, Deputy Governor of Bangkok
173 Dinso Road, Phra Nakhon
Bangkok, Thailand 10200.

Fax: +66 2-621 0878


General Prawit Wongsuwan
Deputy Prime Minister and Chairs of the Krung Rattanakosin and Old
Towns Conservation and Development Committee

Bovornvej Rungruji, Chairs of the Krung Rattanakosin Sub-committee

Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning
60/1 Soi Pibunwattana 7, Rama 6 Road
Samsennai, Phayathai District
Bangkok Thailand 10400

Tel: +66 2-265-6500
Fax: +66 2-265-6511

Ms. Leilhani Farha
UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
E-mail: srhousing@ohchr.org

Dr. Gwang-Jo Kim
UNESCO Bangkok
Mom Luang Pin Malakul Centenary Building
920 Sukhumvit Road
Prakanong, Klongtoei
Bangkok 10110
E-mail: bangkok@unesco.org

Solidarity with Pom Mahakan community proposals and struggles for human rights and Zero Evictions!

Dear Governor Suhumbhand and Deputy Governor Aswin,

I am writing to you because I have received disturbing information from local organisations and the International Alliance of Inhabitants (IAI) regarding plans for the imminent eviction of the Pom Mahakan community (approximately 300 people) by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) in order to carry out the “beautification” of the historic site as part of the implementation of the Rattanakosin Conservation and Development Plan.

I express my deep concern that such a precipitate and ill-advised move would violate the human rights of the residents, recognized by international laws and those of your country, and would destroy a resource of considerable value to the people of Bangkok and indeed of Thailand.

For those reasons, I stand in full solidarity with the proposals and struggles of  Pom Mahakan community and support their and the IAI’s request for Zero Evictions policies, finding solutions respectful of all human rights, as pointed out by the Recommendations made by the 50th  Session of UN Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Committee (2015) and those of the 1st  Session of the International Tribunal on Evictions for East Asia (2016).

We kindly request your immediate response as a matter of urgency so that your decisions may be presented with due emphasis at the international level, in particular in support of an intervention of  the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Adequate Housing and at the UN Conference Habitat III (Quito, 17 to 20 October 2016).

Signatories (196)

  • Brian Saxon , LifeForce Co. Ltd. - Thailand
  • Otavio Alves Barros Otávio Barros, Associação de Moradores e Amigos da Taquara do Alto da Boa Vista - Brazil
  • Farkas Péter, ATTAC Hungary - Iceland
  • Anna La Vista, Comitati Roma anti sfratti - Italy
  • Joan Peralta Mas, - Spain
  • Francesco Nardelli, Opencontent - Italy
  • Mª Esperanza Negueroles España, - Spain
  • Mª Esperanza Negueroles España, - Spain
  • Oscar Revilla, - Spain
  • damiano avinio, - Italy
  • Miriam Turrini, - Italy
  • anna bravo, - Italy
  • Silvano Breggion, - Italy
  • Anna Bravo, Privato - Italy
  • Consiglia Salvio , Coordinamento Campano Acqua Pubblica - Italy
  • Liliana Frascati, - Italy
  • antonio grasso, cobas - Italy
  • Pedro Vargas, Coalición de Tendencia Clasista - Venezuela
  • Leopoldo A. Moscoso, SPO Consulting - Spain
  • Patrizia Ierardi, - Italy
  • Gabriele Monte, - Italy
  • Frances Ballin, NJPN (National Justice and Peace Network) - United Kingdom
  • Enrico Usvelli, - Jamaica
  • Giancarla Ceppi, privato - Italy
  • maria grazia meriggi, unibg, flc - Italy
  • Roberto Perin, - Italy
  • Giovanni Zampini, - Italy
  • Gianni Alioti, - Italy
  • Claudio Patrizi, ambienteweb.org - Italy
  • Isabella Paoletti, CRIS- Centro Ricerca e Intervento Sociale - Italy
  • Giacomo Gugliandolo, - Italy
  • roberto balbo, - Italy
  • Sergio Durante, - Italy
  • Marco Sansoè, Laboratorio sociale "La città di sotto" - Italy
  • patricia sanchez, Fundacion Vida Urbana - Ecuador
  • domenico russo, - Italy
  • silvana gianoglio, - Italy
  • roberta cerruti, - Italy
  • pietro angiolillo, - Italy
  • Enzo Pernigotti, - Italy
  • Lorenzo Mazzucato, Cgil Funzione pubblica - Italy
  • Eugenia Montagnini, - Italy
  • Luana Barigazzi, - Italy
  • Michele Citoni, - Italy
  • carlos sepulveda, - Spain
  • David McNally, York University - Canada
  • Secretariado Social Mexicano, A.C. Velazquez, asociacion civil - Mexico
  • Joan Peralta Mas, - Spain
  • Ruby Ney Martínez Hernandez, - Colombia