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Campanha Despejo Zero

Background Despejos Zero na Nigéria

Port Harcourt Demolitions and Silverbird Project

Here you could find the architectural design of the Silverbird project, for which upto one-third of Port Harcourt population is to be rendered homeless and jobless come April 2009.

Proposed alternative to waterfront demolition in Port Harcourt

This blueprint is for proposed alternative to waterfront demolition and presented by Abonnema Wharf Community House Owners Association consequent to the state government’s plan to demolish all waterfronts in Port Harcourt for development. 

Demolitions in Sabon Lugbe, Abuja

12 March 2009 Sabon Lugbe is a settlement near Airport road. The demolitions started on the 9th of March 2009 and will continue until all the non-indigenous houses are destroyed. On Friday 13 march it was still continuing. Two weeks before the demolitions started officers from FCDA came to the settlement to announce that the demolitions would start on the 9th of March. Members of the community then went to the court to call for an injunction. While they were waiting for a court injunction to stop the demolitions; the Development Control Department already gave the go-ahead and the demolitions started on Monday the 9th of March, 2009. On Wednesday morning the 11th they still had not heard from the lawyer.

Atualização sobre as demolições em Port Harcourt

Enquanto a escalada de demolições em Port Harcourt atingia proporções incontroláveis em 2008, a União Nacional de Inquilinos da Nigéria [National Union of Tenants of Nigeria] procurou e obteve uma ordem da Corte Suprema Federal da Nigéria para garantir o direito de seus associados à moradia adequada contra o Governo de Rivers State, a parte responsável pela violação. A ordem era substanciada por um dispositivo constitucional que diz ficando todos os assuntos ou ações relacionados ou que tenham conexão com o caso objeto do processo até a conclusão final do caso.

Despejos estatais para lucro privado

Embelezamento da cidade, o Grupo SilverBird e o Governador de EstadoO que está acontecendo na Nigéria? Por que não ouvimos nada da comunidade internacional sobre a tragédia das demolições e despejos em massa que estão ocorrendo em Port Harcourt e outras cidades?