Dakar, the international solidarity against evictions in Ghana
In a show of international solidarity, community leaders from Accra Ghana led a group of fifty activists, participating to the World Assembly of Inhabitants, to the Ghanaian Embassy in Dakar to protest imminent evictions of residents in the Railways Area of Accra.
In a show of international solidarity, community leaders from Accra Ghana led a group of fifty activists, participating to the World Assembly of Inhabitants, to the Ghanaian Embassy in Dakar to protest imminent evictions of residents in the Railways Area of Accra. The leaders of WISEEP (Women in Slums Economic Empowerment Programme) were accompanied by members of local and international movements under the banner of Amnesty International, the International Alliance of Inhabitants, Habitat International Coalition and No-Vox. A delegation entered the Embassy and spoke with the Consul of the Embassy to demand an immediate halt to the evictions which are planned for tonight and will result in the destruction of housing for some 25 000 people. A noisy and colourful demonstration outside the Embassy lent support to the delegation as they made their position clear to the Consul that the evictions must be suspended so that a process of dialogue can commence between the government and the community that results in an acceptable process ensuring that the rights and dignity of the community can be upheld.
WISEEP supports the upgrading of the railway line but only within the context of relocations of those affected in an acceptable manner and respecting the international law, that is with their agreement
The Ambassador send this strong message to the Ghanaian government to render aware that the international community is concerned about the evictions and will continue to demand that the rights of its citizens under local and international treaties are respected.
Background: evictions for the gain not for the people
On 21 January 2011, officials from the Accra Metropolitan Authority Railway Development Authority visited communities along Accra’s railway lines. They issued fresh eviction notices to those people living within 160 metres of the tracks. The eviction notices did not tell people the date that they would be evicted. However, the Chief Executive of AMA stated that the AMA would ensure that homes and businesses were demolished in order for construction work to begin in February. On 25 January, buildings were painted with the words “Remove by January 25 2011 by AMA”. Threats were allegedly made on 31 January 2011 to evict people from their homes at night.
Under international law, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to which Ghana is a State Party, the government is prohibited from carrying out forced evictions, and must protect people from forced evictions.
For further information:WISEEP
WISEEP rescues slum dwellers November 10, 2010
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