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Solidarity with the peruvian people

Cancel the debt for participative reconstruction

The International Alliance of Inhabitants, a network that brings together inhabitants’ organisations from diverse parts of the world, hereby expresses its solidarity with t the Peruvian populations struck by the destructive earthquake last October 15th,. This devastating event has left in it’s wake hundreds of victims affecting the lives of thousands of people. There is now a huge job to undertake: the reconstruction of villages that have vanished and homes that have been damaged.

History repeats itself today in Peru, just as in Asia, Africa, Europe and in America : the most populated areas are those most affected. Certainly, we will surely have to reflect on these natural disasters, but we should also ask ourselves if we are trulyready to act in disasters like the one in Peru, particularly when we know that it is a highly seismic region? Are buildings made using technological and anti-seismic systems? Why are the poor practically forced to live in high risk areas because of the nonexistence in our countries to provide adequate housing policies?

These, among other questions, will have to be analysed and governments must take responsibility for the tasks of recuperation and reconstruction.

Sovereign States have assumed the legal obligation to ensure universal human rights to every citizen, including the right to adequate housing, to protect their citizens from natural disasters, provide for their physical security as well as offerinternational assistance and cooperation for the fulfillment of these rights.

We call on all social organisations, coalitions, alliances, public and private institutions of America and the world, to unite our voices and demand:

1. An immediate and appropriate response from the Peruvian Government to the needs of all affected families (to shelter them, for example, in the beach houses of the nearby bathing resort of Asiay in the Cañete area) and to initiate an inclusive and participative process of diagnosis of the situation and of planning of the reconstruction.

2. The immediate cancellation of Peru’s foreign debt and the reassignment of resources for the establishment of a Popular Fund for Reconstruction, with the participation of affected inhabitants themselves and their organizations, according to the standards of security and in full respect of human rights.

3. That international humanitarian aid is sent whenever possible through the Church (CARITAS) and municipal organisations, federations and NGO’s and which must guarantee its direct provision to the affected families.

At the same time the IAI proposes:

1. That social and alternative world movements unite their efforts to pressure governments of the north to settle part of the social and historical debt with Peru and cancel its foreign debt for the reconstruction.

2. Strengthening links of cooperation between the movements of various countries and the inhabitants of Peru, promoting the organization of cooperatives of collective property, among other initiatives, allowing participative reconstruction and hope for Peru and the villages of the entire continent.

The International Alliance of Inhabitants hereby makes available its offices for the establishment of an International Board of Solidarity and Cooperation with those affected by the earthquake and for the reconstruction of the destroyed towns. The Board could be made up of social movements, local authorities, progressive governments and other institutions from different countries, and would have the goal of providing help directly in a horizontal wayto those affected, in collaboration with Peruvian social movements. We call on all organisations and foundations of good will to join in this initiative.

Let us come together in this common effort to provide help at this difficult time.