Asia: Do not keep silent, communicate your case of eviction, deadline extended to May 20th 2016
#callevictionsasia2016 In order to tackle on the prevailing threats to our common habitats. International Solidarity is calling for cases of evictions from Northeast and Southeast Asian regions until May 15th, 2016. The cases will be judged by the East Asian Tribunal on Evictions (Taipei, 1-4 July 2016), the first regional cooperative step towards the 5th International Tribunal on Evictions, which will be carried out in the framework of the People's Social Forum alternative to the UN Conference Habitat III (Quito, October 2016).
» Asia: Do not keep silent, communicate your case of eviction, deadline extended to May 20th 2016A Aliança Internacional de Habitantes é uma rede global de associações e movimentos sociais de habitantes, cooperativas, comunidades, inquilinos, sem-teto, moradores de favelas, populações nativas e pessoas de bairros proletários. O objetivo é a construção de um outro mundo possível começando por assegurar os direitos à moradia e à cidade.