USF call: Defending the common goods for the future of cities and territories
Naples, Italy, 6th September 2012
Over 250 local, national and international inhabitants’ organisations and networks for rights related to habitat, engaged in the struggle for decent living conditions in cities and territories, participated in 42 initiatives which were organized as part of the 2nd Urban Social Forum (USF) in Naples, Italy, from 3-7 September 2012. The USF is completely independent, self-managed, self-financed and presents an alternative to UN-Habitat’s sixth World Urban Forum (WUF 6). The USF is collectively responsible and committed to defending the right to the city and territories of common goods.
A Aliança Internacional de Habitantes é uma rede global de associações e movimentos sociais de habitantes, cooperativas, comunidades, inquilinos, sem-teto, moradores de favelas, populações nativas e pessoas de bairros proletários. O objetivo é a construção de um outro mundo possível começando por assegurar os direitos à moradia e à cidade.