The RTCNYC Coalition, and The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Launch New Website Naming Some of NYC’s Worst Evictors & Mapping Evictions Across NYC
The RTCNYC Coalition, and the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project are excited to announce the launch of a new website, , which names the worst evictors in the neighborhoods where Right to Counsel is in effect, maps NYC evictions in 2018, and connects tenants to their rights, including their Right to Counsel.
» The RTCNYC Coalition, and The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project Launch New Website Naming Some of NYC’s Worst Evictors & Mapping Evictions Across NYCA Aliança Internacional de Habitantes é uma rede global de associações e movimentos sociais de habitantes, cooperativas, comunidades, inquilinos, sem-teto, moradores de favelas, populações nativas e pessoas de bairros proletários. O objetivo é a construção de um outro mundo possível começando por assegurar os direitos à moradia e à cidade.