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New York, Right to housing protest against Blackstone on Oct. 14 2015!


#StopBlackstone. Our Homes Are not a Commodity!

Join members of PAH (the Platform of People Affected by Mortgage in Spain), the Right to the City Alliance, Picture the Homeless and other New York city based housing groups, grassroots community members and activists as we let Blackstone know Our Homes are not a Commodity!

The event is in conjunction with events taking place around the US and around the world: the International Day of Actions - Platform of People Affected by Mortgages and the World Zero Eviction Days - Declared by the International Alliance of Inhabitants and USA Canada Alliance of Inhabitants, the Month of Community Power to Reclaim the Commons - USFSA’s Land and Resource Grab and Reform (La Via Campesina), the National Day of Action - Peoples Climate Movement and the

» #StopBlackstone. Our Homes Are not a Commodity!

A Aliança Internacional de Habitantes é uma rede global de associações e movimentos sociais de habitantes, cooperativas, comunidades, inquilinos, sem-teto, moradores de favelas, populações nativas e pessoas de bairros proletários. O objetivo é a construção de um outro mundo possível começando por assegurar os direitos à moradia e à cidade.