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United States are violating the housing rights?


UN Review of United States Reveals Severe Shortage in Affordable Housing

Earlier today, with the knowledge that a majority of Americans fear for their ability to pay their mortgage or rent , the United States underwent its first-ever Universal Periodic Review (UPR) before the United Nations Human Rights Council.  The UPR was a rigorous examination of U.S. human rights policy, and has demonstrated that the U.S. has a long way to go in order to live up to its human rights obligations.

» UN Review of United States Reveals Severe Shortage in Affordable Housing

A Aliança Internacional de Habitantes é uma rede global de associações e movimentos sociais de habitantes, cooperativas, comunidades, inquilinos, sem-teto, moradores de favelas, populações nativas e pessoas de bairros proletários. O objetivo é a construção de um outro mundo possível começando por assegurar os direitos à moradia e à cidade.